Kick the tin can Team: Tin Can is not scheduled to play in the next round.
Biography: After winning MWC 2k, CMG's dynamic duo and most fearsome team went on to win the following two MWCs and MWC 2k4, NML3, That one single FFA tournament, and April Fool's tournament.
In their spare time ao likes to paint, and jeff likes nudist gymnastics.
stinger also joined the team, but most likely he will be nothing more than a benchwarmer... a sad fate reserved for those who have sinned in past lives.
after a brisk day of training and practice team member stinger was tested for use of gay to give him an edge in the tournament. trace elements of JD were found in his blood stream and when his locker was checked remenants of myrkridion's clothing were discovered. it truly is a sad day for all myth when its shining star, stinger, falls from grace. at a press conference earlier team captain jeff has been reported as dismissing stinger for the aforementioned reasons. however, there is a glint of light and hope for the fans of the can.
apparently the team has a new rising star in the myth world, thats right leip. leip had caught the eye of captain jeff earlier, with his strong and impressive thighs, and his boyish and youthful face, kissable lips an- Uhh... yeah leip has joined and is now tin can's new benchwarmer.
the recent swirl of controversy and gaybashing that surrounds tincan has finally come to a rest. it appears that stinger's gay test was indeed doctored! thanks to some heroic help from the Battle Panda, Shizu, The Alienator, The Radioactivist, Bionic Knight, and of course, Mayor Huge Arms, our stalwart heroes were able to find the true culprit, none other than baron de la muerte, AKA leip.
an all too cunning plan in which his nemesis, stinger, would fall from grace and his bench warming position open. it would have been a success to were it not for jeff's big gay face.
Threat Assessment: Jeff and Stinger won the last good team FFA, LHSC, unfortunately Jeff apparently kicked Stinger off the team, and has stuck with his former cmg mate, ao. Also the word on the street is that limp will be joining these two soon, which only further increases their chances at a round 5 run, but even with limp it will not be a cakewalk.
The drama continues as Stinger's status - "gayness level undetermined" - has been restored! Only damage scoring, old age, and the forces of random chance stand between these guys and the prize.
Post QR Update
Baron de la Muerte strikes again! Yeah I don't know either, anyway predicting the actions of jeff is like trying to predict how many bugs will be in the next Project Magma patch: you just never know! Since its a given that Stinger won't get active again, Jeff and ao are going to have to play better than they have been in order to make round 5.
Post Round 3 Update
I'm betting they'll place 3rd in their round 4 bracket and narrowly advance to round 5, but beyond that seems doubtful.
Post Round 4 Update
By avoiding the spawn chopter and utilizing the ghol gang which made obsolete Mayor Huge Arms, Jeff and Stinger were able to march into round 5. It will be hard for this team to make the finals, but they are capable of it.
12 people have predicted that this team will make the top ten. Among these people, the average rank predicted is: 5
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Tin Can (TC) |
| | | Starting Times | Sat, 3pm - Sat, 9pm Sun, 3pm - Sun, 9pm
Statistics |
Rank: 15 / 57
Total Points: 91
Victory Points: 59
Damage Points: 32
Damage/Game: 183
Match History |
R4B1 - 3rd
R3B4 - 2nd
R2B6 - 3rd
R1B2 - 3rd
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