Standings Help

You may sort the standings in any way you like. Click once on a column title to sort by that column, click again to sort in reverse order. "Round" is disabled since rank already sorts by round.

Rank: This is their rank in the tournament. The sort priority for rank is:
Round > Pnts > Vctry > Placing(1st) + Damage(1st) > Dealt (per game)

Team Name (tag): A team name and tag as chosen by the captain. Tag will never be allowed to change, so use it to keep track of which team is which.

Round: This is the last (highest) round they were able to play in. It will not increase until you actually play. If you make round 3 and do not show up, you will always be listed as only having made round 2.

Placing (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th): This is the number of times they ended a game in 1st place, 2nd place, etc.

Damage (1st, 2nd, 3rd): This is the number of times they ended a game with the most damage, second most damage, and third most damage.

Pnts: This is their total point score based on the previous seven columns.

Vctry: The portion of their total points that came from winning games. Based on the four "Placing" columns.

Dmg: The portion of their total points that came from scoring the most damage. Based on the three "Damage" columns.

Dealt: The total amount of damage dealt in all games.

Threat: Their threat rating as assessed by fellow players. This is calculated from user input, in a very complex and hopefully accurate manner.