You, the player, pick the ten teams you think will finish in the top ten slots of the tournament, and in what order. You can change your choices as many times as you want, but after the QR ends they will be locked in.
Not only will your accuracy be calculated and displayed on your player page, but your predictions will be accumulated with everyone else's, and you'll be able to see which teams are predicted to place high and where most people think they will place.
At the end of the tournament the player with the best prediction will receive a special mention in the news and in the Myth 2 Tournament History listing I maintain.
Your accuracy is judged by three measures.
Count: This is the number of teams you predicted to be in the top ten that are currently IN the top ten. This is the most important measure and is the first value that will be sorted on.
Average Rank: This is the average rank of the ten teams you selected. The lower it is, the better your predictions were. Since the Count is going to tie a lot, the second degree accuracy sorting will be done on the Average Rank.
Average Difference: This is the average difference between the place you predicted for your teams and their actual current rank. For instance, if you predict a team to win and they come in third, a 2 will be averaged in. If you predict a team to place tenth and they win, a 9 will be averaged in. This is the most prone to weird distortion when most of your picks are wrong, but is a very good way to distinguish between people who chose the same set of teams but in a different order. Therefore it is the third and final value used in accuracy sorting.