Play Statistics:
The number of games the player participated in, including the games he captained.
The number of games his team won, got second, got third,
etc, total damage and damage per game while he was participating.
Captain Statistics:
The number of games the player captained.
The number of games his team won, got second, got third,
etc, total damage and damage per game while he was captain.
Pundit Statistics:
Count - The number of teams the player predicted would make the top ten that are currently in the top ten.
Average - The average rank of the ten teams the player chose to make top ten.
Avg Difference - The average difference between the rank of a team and the rank he assigned them in the top ten. If the team he predicts to win ends up 7th, a 6 is averaged in. If he predicts them to be third and they win, a 2 is averaged in. An avg diff of zero means the top ten were predicted perfectly.
Website Information:
Admin - States whether or not the player is a site administrator.
TA Writer - States whether or not the player is part of the staff that writes threat assessments.
Editprivs - States whether or not the player is permitted to change contact info and playing times for his team.
HTMLban - States whether or not the player is banned from using HTML in articles. If this is YES, then his team's biography may not contain HTML, even if a non-banned teammate uploads it.
Screenname locked - Your screen name will no longer update to match when you log into the site. Instead, you will keep whatever you have now until you manually change it by clicking "Edit Name".
Colors locked - Same as locked screen name, but means the colors that show up behind your name are locked at current value.
Remove embed tags - Player prefers that things like embedded music do not load when present in a team's biography. Useful for players with limited bandwidth.
Rating Power - This is a number that represents how powerful the player's opinion is with regard to threat ratings. A player with power 5 gets 5 times as much weight as someone with power 1. To improve your power score, balance your ratings out more, so that you are closer to the ideal: 20% of teams per threat rating. For instance, pick a fifth of the teams to get a rating of 1, a fifth to get rating 2, a fifth to get 3, etc..