< Back To IndexRe: >:( - Wight SlayerObligatory Response :( According to your playing times 4pm was the absolute latest you could play. When I made it 3pm, I thought you guys would be overjoyed. :/ Then xel wanted to play early, so I encouraged people to get on early and we'd go if everyone was ready. We didn't start for a while cause I was gettin the other bracket started, so around 2:25 or so I pop in and there's 5 two-man teams waiting for me. Storm and Arz both checked in and rdy to go. We went. :( I don't think it would have helped much if we didn't though, Storm didn't stay and that bracket was brutal on single players; plus we got games started with NO hassle. The only delays between games came from me having to go TO other brackets. So you still woulda come too late. Sry dude, you guys should have some massive points from QR though so probably the top sub. -Wighty P.S. RR style: stfu i don't care