< Back To IndexRe: >:( - grim: Obligatory Response :( : According to your playing times 4pm was the absolute latest you could play.
: Then xel wanted to play early, so I encouraged people to get on early and
: We didn't start for a while cause I was gettin the other bracket started, so
: We went. :( : I don't think it would have helped much if we didn't though, Storm didn't
: Sry dude, you guys should have some massive points from QR though so probably
: -Wighty : P.S. RR style: stfu i don't care Well we weren't really overjoyed with the change. For some reason you dewds didn't coordinate with opop both brackets should have started at 3pm cst (another reason why the 4pm cst would have been good). Arz probably doesn't check this site too often so he didn't bitch about that and because he's such a quiet moron. <3 Why couldn't you just have started at 3pm cst :((((( Oh well, I'll be barging in to every bracket that starts before 5pm cst.