< Back To IndexRe: So uh... - JD
: Since when does "No" mean "keep trying to convince me"?
: Listen carefully. You cussed out a team that had no reason to refrain from
: rushing you. Yes it was wrong for them to act on it, I told them as much,
: but I simply don't see you as a victim, so again...
: "No"
: -Wighty
team i cussed out? It was a PH team, and it was to Joan, not Qwerty. Joan knows im not like that all the time and she knows she was taking forever and knows how much she hates it when it takes forever to play games. She did what qwerty said to do, and qwerty had all the units that mattered.
Im not trying to convince you, im just stating my side and if it actually effects you like it should effect a TO, then so be it.