< Back To IndexRe: cheating in R4B2 - meatwad: i want to point out alliances in the rules section
: watch it and judge it your self
athf obviously benefited from bme/cunt targetting wigga durring the match as a whole, so i am biased as to the outcome of any review. acheron deffinately had a spoken desire to target wigga in the above game - to the extend that he pulled enig off an 2v1 attack on my units at the hill (which they would have won with heavy casualties unless i spazzed out - which i do 30% of the time.) bme also chased wigga hard. what i am not sure of is that there was intention to ally. being in a ffa game where more than one team has a desire to hammer you happens. its ws's call. cunt also got a late tag off bme on the lm game - but i forgot to get film to review. seemed fishy at the time. cunt got its tag with pigs spacebarred on flag while bme had souls and fetch right there... what happened was bme shot the other contestor with fetch and found out it was not a 3-way contest when whoever it was got fried.