Bracket Page Help
The bracket page has 3 modes.
Mode One: Display next round's brackets
Here you'll see all the brackets scheduled to be played on the next weekend.
The top bar lists the bracket number, time at which to start the match, and the
designated host. If you're listed as a designated host, be sure to read the rules
and learn your responsibilities (you must save films, score the match, and submit the
results to the site).
Underneath the top bar is the list of 6 teams scheduled to play in the bracket, and their
current rank as shown on the brackets page. The rank is just there for display,
to help you see who you're up against. It carries no additional meaning.
Mode Two: Display all matches that have been played.
This mode will list all the matches that have been played any time during the
tournament. It does not list the brackets that were collapsed due to no-shows.
Click on a match to go to mode three.
Mode Three: Display an individual match page
On this page you can see all the gory details from a match. The films will be
linked at the top if any exist. If the normal link is broken, or the films inside
are faulty, click on "If broken, click here". This will take you to another page
that lists all the different versions of the films that have been uploaded.
Hopefully one of them will work properly.
The match page follows along through the games, showing you the players who played
the game, each team's damage, each team's scores, and how they earned that score
( 9 (6 + 3) means they got first place victory, 6 points, plus first place damage,
3 points, for a total of 9). It also shows the cumulative match score as it adds
up from one game to the next.
The cumulative score on the very last game shows the total scores for the entire